

Dettagli importanti di Troy54321
Sesso Maschio
Età 18
Altezza 5'10" - 6" [175cm - 185cm]
Peso 180 - 200 lbs [80 - 90 kg]
Pene Taglia M
Cosa mi fa arrapare
Have a pantyhose fetish and also i fantasies about being with a transgender i also like older mature women
Chi sono
I am curious about my sexuality i feeli am attracted to both men and women and i am in the closet about liking men
Cosa non mi piace
I dont like when people demand or are to dominate
I following
I follower
Commenti (1)
💓Don't hide tenderness in your pockets,
💚And don't be shy about kindness,
🔥Don't be afraid to seem weird
🌊In the midst of the confused bustle💕